The create_token CLI tool
Please enter the ticker / token name you wish to create. This can be 3 to 15 characters and must be 100% unique. First come first serve
Please enter the amount of coins or tokens to create: (eg. 1, 1000, 100000, etc)
Please enter the amount for the fee: (eg. 1.09)
The create_token output:
transaction: {
"txtype": 3,
"timestamp": 1711470348,
"creator": "CLC024317262f00570608aabfcdacebc0fe9def7b6529f072b7a5e3a2b68136c984a7",
"ticker": "abc ",
"number": 1000000000000,
"txfee": 100000000,
"hash": "9b09d150171891badc05cff8fda5f4ba70fe442413af5b4c15c3bc14d734edaf",
"signature": "5ca75c7dc3557da63e5d554a7275d2ed9a1dfff22d3d3dfb56c00993b47328f033e8c1757e61db4e70e0e284cdc2158278ed2e14955d618da2d7c4af58b3088a"
Output is also saved to transactions:
ls transactions/
To broadcast transaction after creating simply issue:
./broadcast_transaction ./transactions/9b09d150171891badc05cff8fda5f4ba70fe442413af5b4c15c3bc14d734edaf.json
Note: These are non-programmable tokens. The person who creates the tokens transaction, recieves all of the tokens and how they are distributed is up to them. These are not smart tokens released conditionally.