The create_nft CLI tool
Are you creating a 1/1 or a collection?
Please enter the name for your NFT. This can be 3 to 15 characters and must be 100% unique. First come first serve
My Cool Nft
Enter your IPFS hash for your NFT. This hash should be 46 characters and start with the letters Qm.
Please enter the number of items in your collection, enter 1 for 1/1s.
Please enter the number of this item in your series, enter a 0 for 1/1s
Enter your nft description, A max of 100 characters
This is my cool nft
Please enter the amount for the fee: (eg. 1.09)
The create_nft output:
transaction: {
"txtype": 4,
"timestamp": 1711487451,
"creator": "CLC024317262f00570608aabfcdacebc0fe9def7b6529f072b7a5e3a2b68136c984a7",
"series": 0,
"nft_name": "My Cool Nft ",
"item_ipfs": "qm123412341234",
"count": 1,
"item_number": 0,
"desc": "This is my cool nft ",
"txfee": 100000000,
"hash": "64fca85eedd7126b9a064285c0ef7539cbd39680d6bba02774628ae02d1e1403",
"signature": "d8508ca0c34256db2061a3e8ec20e997cea1a0246313b43957d640709169e7bc2fd40b5ac846b685d322577f7d01c199568362c4aaaf71d80ad8ca255632d524"
Output is also saved to transactions:
ls transactions/
To broadcast transaction after creating simply issue:
./broadcast_transaction ./transactions/64fca85eedd7126b9a064285c0ef7539cbd39680d6bba02774628ae02d1e1403.json
Note: You should have your own IPFS server or other obtain ipfs hosting to host your NFTs. We do not provide integrated IPFS hosting.